The Importance of Veterinary Centrifuges

The Importance of Veterinary Centrifuges

One of the most critical devices found in clinics, laboratories, and hospitals that provide animal-related services is the veterinary centrifuge. Centrifuges have a wide range of  applications including the identification of components in soil, purification of chemical samples, and isolation of DNA.

In animal clinics and laboratories, a veterinary centrifuge is used to separate urine, blood, semen, hematocrit, and other samples. Veterinary centrifuges are robust, reliable, and easy to use. They can separate samples in a fraction of time. They are also designed to be adaptable to microhematocrits, urine sediments, and other applications.

Veterinary centrifuges are also used in the diagnosis of diseases and blood disorders. Incidences and prevalence of chronic animal health disorders have increased the demand for animal centrifuges.

Some of the key components of a veterinary centrifuge include a motor that will spin the shafts and rotor. It also has a centrifuge rotor with buckets and adapters to accommodate sample tubes.

Hettich is one of the leading manufacturers of centrifuges and they offer a vast array of units that are designed to address the different needs of veterinarians and laboratory workers. Users can also select from a wide collection of standard and custom accessories that can enhance the capabilities of their centrifuge.

Veterinary centrifuges offered by Hettich are considered valuable pieces of equipment in blood banks, office laboratories, and veterinary laboratories. Their veterinary centrifuges have also been known to effectively withstand the daily pressures in veterinary practice laboratories.

Key Factors When Purchasing a Centrifuge

When purchasing a veterinary centrifuge, it is important that you consider the following:

  • The sample volumes you are working with
  • If temperature control or refrigeration is required
  • If bio-containment is required for high risk samples
  • The maximum g-force the centrifuge can generate