Smartest Solutions for the STI Tests

Smartest Solutions for the STI Tests

What to consider when doing an HIV test at home? A home HIV test is only reliable three months after unprotected sex or other exposure. Even if the result of an HIV home test is negative, unprotected sex may have acquired someone else’s sexually transmitted infection. Other sexually transmitted diseases are much more contagious than HIV and can be asymptomatic for a long time. If you have had sex without a condom with a new or random partner, you may want to seek other sexually transmitted disease tests.

Choose right time for HIV home testing

The HIV home test is not recommended on weekends or holidays, making it difficult to get advice and help with the test and interpreting the test result. It is a good idea to take the time to take the test and do it in a quiet place where it is possible to deal with the thoughts and feelings that the test result may evoke. It’s a good idea to think in advance if you want to take the test in the presence of other people. Sometimes a test result can be surprising, and you don’t want to tell others about it right away. Everyone has the right to privacy in matters relating to their own health. A positive test result should always be confirmed with a venous blood sample by a health care professional. You can choose the home sti test kit as well.

Tips for doing HIV test at home

Here are some practical tips for doing the test:

  • Read the instructions completely before taking the test.
  • The plug is disposable; you can only use it once.
  • The plug must be pressed firmly against your finger for it to work.
  • Blood sampling is best done from warm hands from the inside edge of an anonymous finger.
  • After piercing, the fingertip should be squeezed hard enough to produce a drop of blood.
  • You will know that the test stick is deep enough in the diluent pack if you see the pink color rising on the test stick. If no color is displayed, push the test stick down again.
  • Remember to set the timer!

Negative Test Result

A negative test result means that there are no antibodies to the virus in the blood and there is no HIV infection. A negative test result is reliable three months after the last exposure. If less time has elapsed since exposure, the test should be repeated after three months have elapsed.

Positive Test Result

A positive test result indicates a probable HIV infection. It should always be confirmed with a venous blood sample by a health care professional. The result can cause panic, anxiety and fear. You should seek help from reliable sources, or other healthcare providers.

Verification sample and advice on issues related to HIV home testing

The confirmation sample can be taken at government health center or other places include a private health center, student health care, occupational health care, and outpatient clinics in the largest cities. HIV infection is detected in the laboratory by a blood test, or HIV test. Today, it is recommended to use primarily the combination test for HIV antibodies and antigen, which is more reliable than the antigen test alone. HIV diagnosis is based on a positive antibody finding. The result of the test is not completely reliable until three months after a possible infection, but the majority of infections can be detected within about six weeks of the risk situation. HIV is most quickly detected by a test that recognizes the viral genes, which is most commonly used to detect infection in a newborn.