How To Determine Whether Your Dentures Need Adjusting Or Replacing?

How To Determine Whether Your Dentures Need Adjusting Or Replacing?


Dentures are artificial teeth that replace natural teeth lost due to age, injury, or decay. While dentures are a great option for restoring your smile, it’s important to ensure they fit correctly. Ill-fitting dentures can lead to discomfort, difficulty chewing, and changes in speech. This blog will discuss how to determine whether your dentures need adjusting or replacing, as well as finding a reputable dental lab NYC.

Importance of Proper Fit:

Properly fitting dentures are essential for a variety of reasons. They help you chew food properly, which is necessary for proper digestion. They also provide support to your cheeks and lips, preventing a sunken appearance and keeping your facial muscles active. A proper fit also ensures that you can speak correctly, which is essential for social interaction and self-confidence.

Signs That Your Dentures Need Adjusting:

Discomfort: If your dentures are causing pain or discomfort, it’s a sign they need adjusting. This could be due to the dentures being too tight, too loose, or rubbing against your gums.

Difficulty Chewing: If you’re having trouble eating your favorite foods, your dentures may not be fitting correctly. Properly fitting dentures should allow you to chew without pain or discomfort.

Changes in Speech: If you’re noticing changes in your speech, it may be due to poorly fitting dentures. Speech difficulties can include slurring, whistling, or difficulty pronouncing certain words.

Mouth Sores: If you’re experiencing mouth sores or ulcers, it could be a sign that your dentures are rubbing against your gums or causing irritation.

Clicking or Popping Sounds: If you hear clicking or popping sounds when you chew or speak, it could indicate that your dentures are not fitting properly. This can be caused by movement of the dentures in your mouth.

Gagging: If your dentures are causing you to gag, it’s a sign they need adjusting. This can be caused by dentures that are too long or too wide, or by a loose fit.

Signs That Your Dentures Need Replacing:

Visible Wear and Tear: Over time, dentures can become worn and damaged. If you notice cracks, chips, or missing teeth, it’s a sign that your dentures may need replacing.

Loose Fit: If your dentures are moving around in your mouth, it could be due to wear and tear or changes in the shape of your jawbone. A loose fit can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and speech difficulties.

Persistent Discomfort: If your dentures are causing persistent discomfort, even after adjustments, it may be a sign that they need replacing. Dentures should be comfortable to wear and should not cause pain or irritation.

Discoloration: If your dentures are becoming discolored or stained, it may be a sign they need replacing. This can be caused by wear and tear or exposure to food and drink.

Changes in Facial Appearance: If you notice changes in your facial appearance, it could be due to poorly fitting dentures. This can include a sunken or collapsed appearance, which can be caused by bone loss in the jaw due to missing teeth.

Finding a Denture Lab Near You:

Finding a reputable “dental lab near me” is essential for ensuring high-quality dentures. A good dental lab will use the latest techniques and materials to create dentures that fit comfortably and look natural. When searching for a denture lab near you, consider the following:

Reputation: Look for a dental lab having a good reputation. Read online reviews & ask for recommendations from your dentist or friends.

Experience: Look for a dental lab with experience in creating dentures. An experienced lab will have the skills and knowledge to create dentures that fit properly and look great.

Quality: Look for a dental lab that uses high-quality materials and the latest techniques. Quality dentures will last longer and be more comfortable to wear.


Dentures are a perfect option for those who have lost their natural teeth, but it’s important to ensure they fit correctly. Ill-fitting dentures can cause discomfort, difficulty chewing, and changes in speech. Signs that your dentures need adjusting include discomfort, difficulty chewing, changes in speech, and mouth sores. Signs that your dentures need replacing include visible wear and tear, a loose fit, and persistent discomfort. Finding a reputable dental lab near you is essential for ensuring high-quality dentures that fit comfortably and look natural. Consider reputation, experience, and quality when choosing a dental lab in NYC or any other location.