How Breathalyzers save your life?

How Breathalyzers save your life?

Nearly 18% of U.S. adults meet the criteria for alcohol dependency at some point in their life, yet only 24% of those who meet the criteria have ever sought treatment for their condition. To wit: (Khasin et al., 2007). Because alcoholism is so common, there is a pressing need to provide remedies that are not only effective but also widely disseminable.

Participants will be asked to self-assess their alcohol use by mobile phone for 7 days after the first consent and assessment meetings, during which time there will be no more exploratory interventions. The goal of this first phase is to establish a benchmark against which to measure future progress and to guarantee that the participant consistently reacts to and submits learning information through cell phone. After this first assessment period concludes, individuals who have shown healthy drinking habits and accurately recorded their alcohol use will be encouraged to continue their training. The participants will then return to the lab where they will be given a SOBERLINK breathalyzer and trained on how to use it. In order to make the breathalyzer results, participant location, and user’s photograph accessible to the research team, the SOBERLINK REVIEWS gadget will automatically upload this information to a central, secure website. Researchers will use participants’ alcohol intake to evenly assign them to an intervention or control group (e.g. average number of drinks per day). The therapeutic effects on both groups will be the same.

How can one determine their blood alcohol content in such a situation?

Even if we don’t have access to a personal breathalyzer, there are other ways to determine whether someone is above the legal limit for alcohol consumption. Can you specify the type? This section discusses the feasibility of doing breathalyzer-free sobriety tests.

Visit local police

It’s typical to not have a personal breathalyzer on hand when you need to know whether you’re sober. Constant reminders to keep the breathalyzer in a single, easily accessible location at home are sent due to the common occurrence of drivers forgetting to bring the device with them when they go for a drive.

If we have drank alcohol away from home and then realized the following day that we didn’t have our personal breathalyzer with us and are now concerned about whether or not we are still legally drunk, we may go to the police station to have our blood alcohol content (BAC) tested.

Remember that you will be arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol if your blood alcohol level is found to be over the legal limit by the police breathalyzer.

We provide this warning because, unfortunately, we have seen similar circumstances arise on several occasions. Taking a stroll to the local police station is a good idea since it will help us get some fresh air and feel better overall. Since we are unsure about our ability to operate a motor vehicle, let’s pull into the nearest police station and have the officer on duty administer a sobriety test when we get there.